What’s the Role of the Branch?


As banks continue to shrink their high street networks to cut costs, what's the point of retaining branches?  What's their role?  Is it about branding and maintaining a reliable, secure image, particularly given the growth of new digital competitors?  Are these branding benefits sufficient justification for having a physical network?  Or can branches also provide a better customer experience - and not just for older, more conservative customers?  What lessons are there from established players, including building societies, and from challengers and other new entrants?  Our expert panel debates the issues.

Speakers Include:

Travers Clarke-Walker, Founder, Clarke-Walker Consulting (Chair)

Ian Goodliffe, Consulting Partner, CACI

Iain Kirkpatrick, Managing Director, Retail, Metro Bank

Richard Winder, Head of Communications UK, Handelsbanken

Nick Kennett, Group Director, Financial Services, Post Office



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